One of the greatest needs in anyone's life is the need to be accepted. At Kimmels we value you as an individual and God's church as a whole. We strive to deepen our family bond as the body of Christ, and encourate attenders to commit to this local body through membership. We have a responsibility to each other to fulfill all of the 'one another' passages found in Scripture dealing with personal relationsips. You're not alone!
First Sunday Fellowship Lunch
Please join us on the first Sunday of each month for some great food and great fellowship. All are invited – just bring your favorite covered dish or dessert to share. Friends and neighbors are welcome too!
Adult and youth baptisms are held during our Sunday Worship Service. We believe that the New Testament baptism by immersion “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” is a symbol of our faith in the crucified, buried and risen Lord, and of our death to sin and resurrection to a new life.
Child Dedication
A Child Dedication is an opportunity for you as a parent to dedicate your child to the Lord. Child dedication is a public declaration to raise your child in the ways of the Lord, teaching them at home and at church. If you are interested in scheduling a Child Dedication, please contact Pastor Preston Broadhurst.
Compassion In Action
At some time in our lives almost all of us need help. It may be a simple need like being unable to pick up a medical prescription, or more serious needs that can arise from a hospital stay or death of a family member. We are devoted to serving our Church Family and our comunity , and as part of that dedication we have formed a Compassion In Action Team. The "CIA" is comprised of church family members who are available to reach out to those who need physical help in times of illness or grief ... or when daily tasks become a challenge.
One Another Events
Throughout the year members of our Kimmels church family gather together to enjoy special events and times of fellowship. These may be gatherings of just a few people sitting around a campfire, or larger events like a trip to a baseball game.
Christian Life & Service Seminar
At Kimmels Church our desire is for each of our members to pursue Christ's likeness so we can be all that He wants us to be. To help us accomplish this, we offer CLASS 101 two times each year. Class 101, Discovering Church Membership, is required for membership. We encourage everyone to attend this class even if they are already a member of Kimmels Church. The information in this class will benefit each attender and help us all understand our church’s unique purpose and position to help us become unified moving forward. The four main areas of study are:
1. Our Strategy: How we fulfill our purpose.
2. Our Structure: When and where we fulfill that purpose.
3. Our Statement: Why we exist as a church.
4. Our Salvation: What God has done for us.