A camp meeting was held on the farm of George Kimmel, near Orwigsburg, in the year 1834, being notable as the first in Schuylkill County. This was continued in 1835-1838, when Kimmels became a regular preaching place in the Schuylkill County circuit, made up of at one time twenty-eight preaching places. In 1851 George Kimmel donated the land on which the brick building was erected. This became the home and start of Kimmels Church of God.


From the start this congregation belonged to the German Eldership but later separated and joined with the English Eldership. Down through the years God has shown Himself faithful to the people of Kimmels. In 1991 the church body voted to join the Evangelical Free Church of America, and became Kimmels Evangelical Free Church.

Throughout the years, many renovations have been done to the building. The addition of gas lights was a memorable improvement followed by electric lights ten years later. Of course the indoor plumbing was a welcomed change, as well as the excavating of the basement for class rooms. One of the newer conveniences was the addition of central air. Many other improvements and remodeling have been done throughout the last century and a half, all to the glory of God.


With the original building surrounded by country roads on two sides and the cemetery on the other two, there was no room to expand and almost no room for parking. In a step of faith, the church voted unanimously in August of 1999 to construct a new building. The church did not know the details of how this project would unfold and become reality, but they knew God would provide the means.


Through much prayer and Christian love, God was able to bless Kimmels with 5.2 acres of farmland across the street from the original church building. This further revealed the hand of God on this local church, building in the people a greater passion for Him. As a result of this answer to prayer, plans begun on the design and funding of the $650,000 building. God has answered prayers. On July 20, 2003, Kimmels Church had their first service in the new building.


It has been more than twenty years since the first service in this building, and we continue to see God answer prayers. He has been blessing the faithfulness of Kimmels by helping to grow in us even a greater passion for Him and His people. We love our church family for we strive to live out Romans 12:4-5, “Just as each of us has one body with many members and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” We are the body of Christ, the hands and feet that our community sees. We belong to each other and strive to bring others into the family.