Jewel Women’s Center
Jewel Women’s Center is a Christ-centered ministry whose mission is to promote a culture of life within our society in order to serve people facing unplanned pregnancies and related sexual issues. Kimmels Church supports the Jewel Center with prayer, donations and volunteer work.
Every year Jewel hosts the Jewel Jog - a 5K Run & Walk held
each spring to benefit Jewel Women's Center - as well as a banquet held this year two nights on October 10th and 12th. . Proceeds allow the Center to support individuals facing a pregnancy decision. To learn more about the Jewel Center, the Jewel Jog, October Banquet, or other events and services offered by the Jewel Center - visit
Bridge 127
Bridge 127 helps high risk youth by providing them and their families with clothing, personal care items, and other basic necessities.
They strive to enhance the quality of life for children, in their own home, in out-of-home care, those who are about to age out of the system, and those stuck somewhere in between. To learn more about Bridge 127 visit
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Kimmels Church sponsors the Child Evangelism Fellowship Good News Club. CEF®, an international Bible-centered faith ministry active in 150 countries around the world, hosts the Good News Club at the Blue Mountain Elementary East Building. The Club meets weekly during the school year – and focuses on an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF Press®. The program also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and games or other activities focused on the lesson’s theme. The club runs from October through May. To learn more about CEF in Schuylkill county visit
The Evangelical Free Church of America is an association of autonomous churches. It is a believers' church - membership consists of those who have a personal faith in Jesus Christ. EFCA East is a mission field with approximately 57 million inhabitants and many communities in need of Gospel witness. The District Churches spread across a culturally diverse section of the Northeast including New York New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC ... connected and growing togther, and committed to seeing each other thrive for the sake of the Gospal. To lear more about the EFCA East, visit
Family Life Network Radio
Family Life Network provides daily encouragement in God's Word. This radio ministry reaches over 5 million listeners through a variety of programs that provide contemporary Chistian music, interviews from the latest artists and authors, family programs that teach Biblical lessons, up-to-the-minute news and information on topics and issues that matter to Christians. To learn more about Family Life, visit
Teen Challenge
Adult & Teen Challenge offers Christ-centered, faith-based solutions for youth, adults and families struggling with life-controlling problems such as addiction. Residents learn how to change deeply entrenched, self-destructive behavior and how to acquire a new value system that honors family, takes responsibility for community, cultivates a positive work ethic, and helps them become productive, healthy members of society. To learn more about Adult & Teen Challenge Pennsylvania visit
Christian Missionary Technical Services
CMTS ministries is dedicated to supplying and equipping ministries across the globe, by providing vehicles and mechanical support, technical equipment and specialized supplies and services. Kimmels has partnered with CMTS by inviting believers to use their skills and abilities for the service of missionary work. To learn more about CMTS, visit
Globe Bank & Missions Offerings
Kimmels Church supports worldwide missionary groups – as well as local ministries and charities – with special offerings. A Globe Bank offering is held on the fifth Sunday of the month, and is used to support one of our missionary groups or a specific project of their choice. A Missions Offering is held on the fourth Sunday of each month, with donations ear-marked to support a local charity.
Orwigsburg Food Pantry
The Orwigsburg Food Pantry is sponsored by the churches of the Orwigsburg Area. Kimmels church families support the Pantry with donations as well as assistance with food packing and distribution throughout the year, and during special events. The Orwigsburg Food Pantry is located at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Orwigsburg. For details, visit their Facebook page or call 570.366.2255.
Samaritan’s Purse® – Operation Christmas Child
Kimmels Church partners with Samaritan’s Purse® every Christmas Holiday in an outreach program that collects ‘shoe box gifts’. These gifts along with those collected from thousands of churches get distributed to needy children around the world. In 2010 more than 8.2 million shoe box gifts were collected and distributed. To learn more about Samaritan’s Purse® visit