Winterblast at Camp Orchard Hill
Every February our teens attend Camp Orchard Hill's Winterblast weekend. It is a great few days that includes time for worship and God's word, plus activities like tubing, sledding, climbing, gaga, snow football plus much more. This year's Winterblast weekend takes place February 21-23.
Outreach Events
Our teens participate in various outreach events including helping at the Pottsville Soup Kitchen and the Orwigsburg Food Pantry, or working with local missions groups or charitable organizations.
Teen Sunday School
Every Sunday @ 9 am - Chapel
Our Teen Sunday School takes place in the lower level of the Chapel @ 9 am. Our curriculum is entitled 'Connect The Testaments'. Much of what we learn serves an immediate purpose, but God's Word has eternal life. That is why it is vital we seek his Spirit through prayer and Bible study. This study challenges our teens through reading the Word, thought provoking questions, and life application to properly exegete the Bible. The class is taught by Micah Ruch and Jared Williams.
Nursery, Children's Church & A/V Attendants
Each Sunday, our teen assist the adult volunteers by woring in our nursery and children's church groups. They also help out in our audio visual department on Sunday mornings operating projection and sound equipment.
Annual Events (Easter Egg Hunt, Heritage Day)
Kimmels teens volunteer at our annual Easter Egg Hunt held every Palm Sunday afternoon, and help our at the annual Orwigsburg Heritage Day celebration plus other events throughout the year.