Welcome Home
Welcome Home
There may be many reasons you are in search of a church to call home, and looking for a church home can bring a mix of emotions along with it. You might be scared, unsure, overwhelmed but also a little excited too. Whatever the reasons or emotions, we are glad you have landed on our site.
You will not find perfect people here, but you will find a family of believers who are on a journey to connect with God and others. Maybe you are new to the area and feeling disconnected. Maybe you have been in the area for a while and are looking to get connected in a different way. Maybe you don't even know why you are on our stie. Wherever you are today, we would love to connect with you and help you connect with God.
Have questions? We have the answers!
We are located on the east side of Orwigsburg, just one mile outside of the borough off of Kimmels Church Rd. Please review the Google map at the bottom of the page.
Our Sunday morning celebration service begins at 10am. We would love to have you join with us.
As you enter the driveway and make your way to the front of the building, you will see the Guest Parking spots immediately to your right. We will save one for you. We never want our guests to have to park in the grass.
If you are new to church, you may be confused on how you should dress. Let us reassure you. Don't worry about it! At Kimmels you will find a variety of diffent styles from a few dress shirts and ties to jeans and shorts. We are more interested in you being here than we are about what you wear. We also believe Jesus would agree with that.
We believe kids are not the future of the church. We believe they are the church, so we have a place where kids can have fun, learn about God and be safe. Our nursery is open at 9:45am and is available for kids from birth to Pre-K. The elementary age kids start the morning in the main service with their parents and then are dismissed aroung 10:30 for their class. In their class they will learn a Bible verse for the week, sing some songs, and be taught a lesson from the Bible that will help them to know and love God better. Please click button bellow for additional information about this and all our events that happen throughout the year.
Teens are in a unique position to know, love and serve God and others. On a Sunday morning, teens participate in the main celebration service with their parents so they can hear the preached Word of God, and build connection with the whole church family. Throughout the year, teens participate in different activities that help them know God, connect with others and serve people around them. Check out some of the teen ministry activities scheduled for your teens.
Our Sunday morning service runs about one hour and fifteen minutes. We open with a song, a time of welcoming everyone with us then followed by a reminder of events and activities happening over the next few weeks. The live band leads our time in three to four songs which are a mix of contemporary songs inculding a hymn now and then. The elementary kids are dismissed to their class following the singing portion of the service while everyone else is encouraged and challenged by a message preached from God's Word. The messages help us to know God, grow in relationship with him, and also help us to allign our lives to his plan for us every day by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out one of our recent service recorings on the "sermons" tab.
As our guest, we never expect an offering from you; however, if you feel led to do so, you can leave any monetary gift in the offering box located at the back doors of the sancturary. We do not pass an offering plate during the service. We believe God will lead people to give as they grow to know him more and be obedient to him. The giving of offering is never for the praise from others, so we have found this is a good way to keep it between you and God.
Every dollar that is collected is used to further the work of God through the life of this church family. Here are some examples: salary of the pastor and other staff, upkeep and growth of the buildings, financial giving and support of local and foreign mission organizations and missionaries, events and outreach programs that impact our community with God's love, and to help and support families in need from our church family and others around our communities...just to name a few.
Let's clear this up right away. We believe the Bible, and all that it teaches. We do not appologize for that. We believe the Bible is not just the Word of God, but contains all truth about God so we can know him, receive salvation through him and grow to be like him. Our world, it's ideas, and values are always changing, but the Word of God never changes. To view the specific beliefs of the church, please click the link below.
One of our main goals is to help you grow to know and be like Jesus. We use small groups to help us accomplish that. Joining a small group is easy...just show up. We have a few groups to choose from, and more coming soon. Click below to see the current groups we have to offer.
Serving is one of the greatest ways to move from being new to belonging. If you are a Christian, God has given you, not only gifts and talents to use, but also a purpose and way to live those out. Here at Kimmels is one of the best ways to put those into practice. If you have a certain idea of where you would like to serve or need some help to determine that, just reach out to Pastor Preston. He will help connect you with the right people to get you off and running.