We value worship to God that is expressed through our music, words, prayers, thoughts, and actions every moment of every day both personally and corporately. This means, worship is not just reserved for Sunday mornings. We are committed to teaching and living according to the Word of God for it is our absolute authority in all areas.
We believe the Word of God is always true and never changes despite the ever changing culture around us. When the church, who are God's people, lives by God's Word, we become the light of the world that He uses to open the eyes of the blind and illuminate the darkness. Our desire is for God to be glorified in and through our lives.
Communion is observed each first Sunday during the Worship Service hour. Join us as we participate. in this remembrance of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and the expectation of joy of being with Him in His Kingdom. Those who worship at home are encouraged to gather communion supplies in advance.
Sunday Worship Service – 10 am
Kimmels Church is offering an in-person as well as live-streamed service at 10:00 am on Sunday morning. Adult and youth baptisms are held during our Sunday Worship Service hour. We believe that the New Testament baptism by immersion “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” is a symbol of our faith in the crucified, buried and risen Lord, and of our death to sin and resurrection to a new life. The nursery is also open for children up to 4 years of age.
Teen Sunday School – 9 am
Our Teen Sunday School begins at 9 am in the lower level of the Chapel. Our curriculum is entitled 'Connect The Testaments'. Much of what we learn serves an immediate purpose, but God's Word has eternal life. That is why it is vital we seek his Spirit through prayer and Bible study. This study will challenge our teens through reading the Word, thought provoking questions, and life application to properly exegete the Bible.
Children’s Church – 10:20 am
Our Children’s Church program takes place every Sunday using our Gospel Project curriculum. The Gospel Project is an ongoing look at the Bible and helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible … God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Children's Church is offered for kids K through 5th grade. Kids join their families for the beginning of the Sunday Worship Service, and are then dismissed to their classroom just prior to the beginning of the sermon message.
Watoto Children's Choir
April 17 - 6:30 pm at Kimmels Church
Watoto Children’s Choirs have traveled extensively since 1994 sharing a message of hope for Africa’s most vulnerable children and women. During that time, the choirs have performed for the President of the United States, met Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and visited almost every major parliament in the world. Yet, as remarkable as those moments have been, the choirs cherish the times they’ve met ordinary people in their moment of pain and have been able to see firsthand how Jesus heals. Like Africa, the production is vibrant and colorful, taking you on an emotional journey as the children sing, dance, and share their personal stories of restoration and hope. As people see their smiles and are embraced by their hugs, the children have the privilege of telling people, “No matter what you’re going through, Jesus is our hope and there are better days ahead. Look at what He has done in my life.” Please join us on April 17th to hear this amazing group and enjoy this heartwarming, musical performance.
Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day Services
Services in May and June will honor our parents as we celebrate the love and influences they’ve made in our lives.
Veterans’ Day Service
Everyone is invited to this annual service in November as we honor and recognize our veterans.
Thanksgiving Service
This special service held on the Sunday before Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks and praise to our God, our church and each other.
Christmas Eve Service
Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and enjoy this evening of worship and music with friends and families. Candle-lit closing.
Good Friday Service
On Good Friday, we commemorate the cruxification of Jesus Christ, his death at Calvary, and the sacrifice He made for all of us. This special message prepares our hearts for the anticipation of Easter and the celebration of the resurrection.
Easter Services
All of us know Easter is so much more than just flowers, eggs and chocolate. It's the story of Gods love for people - a love so great that He sent His son to die so we could have new life. Join us to hear the full story of Easter and learn about a love stronger than death. The cross is not the end of the story - it's where love changed everything! Please join us on Easter morning. We are offering a sunrise service at our Chapel plus a
10 am morning worship service.